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  • Eksitatud

  • Kõnele, Jumal
    Kõnele, Jumal

  • Koguduste põhimõtted
  • Lootus pimeduses
    Lootus pimeduses

  • Armastuse sisemine hääl
    Armastuse sisemine hääl

    This is Henri Nouwen's "secret journal." It was  written during the most difficult period of his life, when he suddenly lost his self-esteem,  his energy to live and work, his sense of being loved, even his hope in God. Although he experienced excruciating anguish and despair, he was still able to keep a journal in which he wrote a spiritual imperative to himself each day that emerged from his conversations with friends and supporters.

    This is Henri Nouwen's "secret journal." It was  written during the most difficult...

    This is Henri Nouwen's "secret journal." It was  written during the most difficult period of his life, when he suddenly lost his self-esteem,  his energy to live and work, his...

  • Emotsionaalselt terve jüngerlus
    Emotsionaalselt terve...

    The global church is facing a discipleship crisis. Here's how we move forward into transformative discipleship... Pastors and church leaders want to see lives changed by the gospel. They work tirelessly to care for people, initiate new ministries, preach creatively, and keep up with trends. Sadly, much of this effort does not result in deeply changed disciples. Traditional discipleship strategies fail because they only address surface issues...

    The global church is facing a discipleship crisis. Here's how we move forward into...

    The global church is facing a discipleship crisis. Here's how we move forward into transformative discipleship... Pastors and church leaders want to see lives changed by the...

  • J. Hudson Taylor. Inimene kristuses
    J. Hudson Taylor....

    The exciting story tells of J. Hudson Taylor, one of the great nineteenth-century missionaries. It is a true account of God's grace and what he can do with a life consecrated to Him.

    The exciting story tells of J. Hudson Taylor, one of the great nineteenth-century...

    The exciting story tells of J. Hudson Taylor, one of the great nineteenth-century missionaries. It is a true account of God's grace and what he can do with a life consecrated to...

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